Gene Information
NCBI Gene ID 828263
Symbol ATML1
LocusTag AT4G21750
Synonyms F17L22.210|F17L22_210|MERISTEM LAYER 1
Description ATML1 (MERISTEM LAYER 1); DNA binding
Gene Type protein-coding
Pattern ATML1|AT4G21750|F17L22.210|F17L22_210|MERISTEM LAYER 1|ATML1 (MERISTEM LAYER 1); DNA binding|ATML1 (MERISTEM LAYER 1); DNA binding / transcription factor
Corresponding sequence in Trichome EST library AM819884 AW647888 BP525912 BP888705 DY321915 DY321916 ES891967 ES891968 ES892460 EX530663 FG181055 FS385827 GT182660 GW331985 HO841368 TCOB40600 TCSA12747 TCSF10282 TCSF10283 TCSF12720 TCSL83904 


Characterization of the class IV homeodomain-Leucine Zipper gene family in Arabidopsis.
Nakamura M, Katsumata H, Abe M, Yabe N, Komeda Y, Yamamoto KT, Takahashi T. Plant Physiol. 2006 Aug;141(4):1363-75.

...... branching of the trichome. This phenotype is enhanced in hdg11 hdg12 double mutants. Double mutants were constructed for other paralogous gene pairs and genes within the same subfamily. However, novel phenotypes were observed only for hdg3 atml1 and hdg3 pdf2 mutants that both exhibited defects in cotyledon development. These observations suggest that some of the class IV homeodomain-Leucine zipper members act redundantly with other members of the family during various aspects of ......