Gene Information
NCBI Gene ID 836617
Symbol CPR5
LocusTag AT5G64930
Gene Type protein-coding
Corresponding sequence in Trichome EST library BG132430 DB688530 DB690211 DB698240 EV256200 EY089349 EY089350 EY093322 EY096235 EY096236 FG633260 FG633324 TCMT49214 


The cpr5 mutant of Arabidopsis expresses both NPR1-dependent and NPR1-independent resistance.
Bowling SA, Clarke JD, Liu Y, Klessig DF, Dong X. Plant Cell. 1997 Sep;9(9):1573-84.

...... The cpr5 mutant was identified from a screen for constitutive expression of systemic acquired resistance (SAR). This single recessive mutation also leads to spontaneous expression of chlorotic lesions and reduced trichome development. The cpr5 ......

Constitutive Expressor Of Pathogenesis-related Genes5 affects cell wall biogenesis and trichome development.
Brininstool G, Kasili R, Simmons LA, Kirik V, Hulskamp M, Larkin JC. BMC Plant Biol. 2008 May 16;8:58.

...... BACKGROUND: The Arabidopsis thaliana CONSTITUTIVE EXPRESSOR OF PATHOGENESIS-RELATED GENES5 (CPR5) gene has been previously implicated in disease resistance, cell proliferation, cell death, and sugar sensing, and encodes a putative membrane protein of unknown biochemical function. Trichome development is also affected in cpr5 plants, ......

...... endoreplication of trichome nuclear DNA were epistatic to the effects of mutations in triptychon (try) or overexpression of GLABRA3, indicating that these trichome developmental regulators are dependant on CPR5 function for their effects on trichome expansion and endoreplication. Our results suggest that CPR5 is unlikely to be a specific regulator of pathogen response pathways or senescence, but rather functions either in cell wall ......

...... are reduced in size and branch number. RESULTS: In the work presented here, the role of CPR5 in trichome development was examined. Trichomes on cpr5 mutants had reduced birefringence, suggesting a difference in cell wall structure between cpr5 and wild-type trichomes. Consistent with this, leaf cell walls of cpr5 plants contained significantly less paracrystalline cellulose and had an altered wall carbohydrate composition. We also found that the effects of cpr5 on trichome size ......

Arabidopsis CPR5 is a senescence-regulatory gene with pleiotropic functions as predicted by the evolutionary theory of senescence.
Jing HC, Anderson L, Sturre MJ, Hille J, Dijkwel PP. J Exp Bot. 2007;58(14):3885-94.

...... theories of senescence predict that genes with pleiotropic functions are important for senescence regulation. In plants there is no direct molecular genetic test for the existence of such senescence-regulatory genes. Arabidopsis cpr5 mutants exhibit multiple phenotypes including hypersensitivity to various signalling molecules, constitutive expression of pathogen-related genes, abnormal trichome development, spontaneous lesion formation, and accelerated leaf ......

Distinct modulations of the hexokinase1-mediated glucose response and hexokinase1-independent processes by HYS1/CPR5 in Arabidopsis.
Aki T, Konishi M, Kikuchi T, Fujimori T, Yoneyama T, Yanagisawa S. J Exp Bot. 2007;58(12):3239-48.

...... response during greening. By contrast, additional hys1 phenotypes, including an increase in salicylic acid (SA), production of abnormal trichomes, and early senescence, were not suppressed by the loss of HXK1. Surprisingly, the hxk1 and hys1 mutations acted synergistically towards an increased SA accumulation. Hence, HYS1/CPR5 appears to be a versatile protein that modulates both the HXK1-mediated glucose response and various HXK1-indepndent processes that are involved in ......

Identification of a novel gene HYS1/CPR5 that has a repressive role in the induction of leaf senescence and pathogen-defence responses in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Yoshida S, Ito M, Nishida I, Watanabe A. Plant J. 2002 Feb;29(4):427-37.

...... responded more intensely to exogenously applied sugars than did wild-type seedlings in sugar-induced growth inhibition and sugar-mediated transcript accumulation, both of which are known to be regulated by the sugar sensor hexokinase. The hys1 mutant also had abnormal trichomes. Map-based cloning of the HYS1 gene identified a novel gene that encodes a protein with a potential nuclear localization signal in the amino-terminal region, and five putative transmembrane domains in the ......

...... region. Furthermore, we found that the constitutive expressor of pathogenesis-related genes 5 (cpr5) mutant, which shows spontaneous pathogen-defence responses and abnormal trichomes, has a point mutation in the HYS1 gene, suggesting that these independently isolated mutants are allelic to each other. Although no definite conclusion can be drawn from these results, we suggest that altered sensitivity to sugars and/or enhanced efficiency of sugar ......

CPR5 is involved in cell proliferation and cell death control and encodes a novel transmembrane protein.
Kirik V, Bouyer D, Schobinger U, Bechtold N, Herzog M, Bonneville JM, Hulskamp M. Curr Biol. 2001 Nov 27;11(23):1891-5.

...... normal. Eventually, cpr5 trichomes die, the nucleus disintegrates, and the cell collapses. Similarly, leaf growth stops earlier than in wild-type, and, frequently, regions displaying spontaneous cell death are observed. The cloning of the CPR5 gene revealed a novel putative transmembrane protein with a cytosolic domain containing a nuclear-targeting sequence. The dual role of CPR5 in cell proliferation and cell death control suggests a regulatory link between these two ......