Title Disruption of an Arabidopsis cytoplasmic ribosomal protein S13-homologous gene by transposon-mediated mutagenesis causes aberrant growth and development.
Author Ito T, Kim GT, Shinozaki K.
Issue Plant J. 2000 May;22(3):257-64.
Abstract We identified a Dissociation (Ds) transposon-inserted Arabidopsis mutant of a gene (AtRPS13A) homologous to cytoplasmic ribosomal protein (RP) S13. We named our mutant pointed first leaf (pfl) 2 because of its similar phenotype to the pfl1 mutant of the RPS18 gene. This mutant caused multiple phenotypic changes, including aberrant leaf and trichome morphology, retarded root growth, and late flowering. Microscopic analysis showed that the first leaf blade of pfl2 contained a significantly reduced number of palisade cells, which suggests that the mutant phenotype was caused by reduced cell division. However, no phenotypic changes were observed during reproductive growth. In Arabidopsis, the RPS13 protein was encoded by a small expressed gene family including AtRPS13A. A pfl1 pfl2 double mutant showed no additive effect. These results suggest that RPS13 functions in quantitative and pleiotropic ways during growth and development, and that mutations at different kinds of RP gene loci are accumulatable without serious growth defects because they belong to small gene families.
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