Detail of EST/Unigene FS391453 |
Acc. | FS391453 |
Internal Acc. | FS391453 |
Type | EST |
Annotation (Top 5 hits in Uniprot_trembl) | Cysteine synthase, chloroplastic/chromoplastic OS=Capsicum annuum E-value=2e-45; Cysteine synthase, chloroplastic/chromoplastic OS=Solanum tuberosum E-value=4e-44; Cysteine synthase, chloroplastic/chromoplastic OS=Arabidopsis thaliana E-value=2e-33; Cysteine synthase, mitochondrial OS=Arabidopsis thaliana E-value=7e-33; Cysteine synthase, chloroplastic/chromoplastic OS=Spinacia oleracea E-value=9e-33; |
Length | 290 nt |
Species | Nicotiana tabacum |
Belonged EST Libraries | LIBEST_024954; |
EST members of Unigene | N/A |
InterProScan Domain | |
Gene Ontology | |
KEGG Orthology | Metabolism > Amino Acid Metabolism > ko00260 Glycine, serine and threonine metabolism > K01697 cystathionine beta-synthase; Metabolism > Amino Acid Metabolism > ko00271 Methionine metabolism > K01697 cystathionine beta-synthase; Metabolism > Metabolism of Other Amino Acids > ko00450 Selenoamino acid metabolism > K01697 cystathionine beta-synthase; Metabolism > Energy Metabolism > ko00920 Sulfur metabolism > K01738 cysteine synthase; Metabolism > Amino Acid Metabolism > ko00272 Cysteine metabolism > K01738 cysteine synthase; Metabolism > Metabolism of Other Amino Acids > ko00450 Selenoamino acid metabolism > K01738 cysteine synthase |
EC | |
Transcription Factor Family | |
Transporter Classification Family | |
Probeset |
Corresponding NCBI Gene | 818978 |
Trichome-related Gene from Literature | 818978 |