Library Acc. SRR027943
Name SRR027943 Type VI enriched gland fraction from stems, 454 library
Organism Solanum arcanum
Tissue Type VI enriched gland fraction from stems
Description 454 run ID in NCBI: SRR027943, by the Michigan State University on 2009-10-06 10:20:43 SRX011594 type 6 glands from S. arcanum LA1708 Total RNA was extracted from enriched fractions of type VI trichomes isolated from stem tissue of Solanum arcanum LA1708 plants and used directly for cDNA synthesis using the Clontech SMART cDNA synthesis kit according to kit protocols but with modified primers. Size selected SfiI digested cDNA was submitted for sequencing by the Michigan State University sequencing facility according to the standard Roche 454 GS-FLX protocol. Primers used in the construction of this library: RT1: 5â¬"-TAGAGGCCGAGGCGGCCGACATGTTTTGTTTTTTTTTCTTTTTTTTTTVN-3â¬"; RT2: 5â¬" â¬CGCAAGCAGTGGTATCAACGCAGAGTGGCCATTACGGCCGGG-3â¬"; 5â¬"PCR primer: 5â¬"-AAGCAGTGGTATCAACGCAGAGT-3â¬"; 3â¬"PCR primer: 5â¬"-TAGAGGCCGAGGCGGCCGAC-3â¬" Glandular trichomes play important roles in protecting plants from biotic attack by producing defensive compounds. We investigated the metabolic profiles and transcriptomes to characterize the differences between different glandular trichome types in several domesticated and wild Solanum species: Solanum lycopersicum (glandular trichome types 1, 6, and 7), Solanum habrochaites (types 1, 4, and 6), Solanum pennellii (types 4 and 6), Solanum arcanum (type 6), and Solanum pimpinellifolium (type 6). Substantial chemical differences in and between Solanum species and glandular trichome types are likely determined by the regulation of metabolism at several levels. Comparison of S. habrochaites type 1 and 4 glandular trichomes revealed few differences in chemical content or transcript abundance, leading to the conclusion that these two glandular trichome types are the same and differ perhaps only in stalk length. The observation that all of the other species examined here contain either type 1 or 4 trichomes (not both) supports the conclusion that these two trichome types are the same. Most differences in metabolites between type 1 and 4 glands on the one hand and type 6 glands on the other hand are quantitative but not qualitative. Several glandular trichome types express genes associated with photosynthesis and carbon fixation, indicating that some carbon destined for specialized metabolism is likely fixed within the trichome secretory cells. Finally, Solanum type 7 glandular trichomes do not appear to be involved in the biosynthesis and storage of specialized metabolites and thus likely serve another unknown function, perhaps as the site of the synthesis of protease inhibitors. Strategy: EST; Source: TRANSCRIPTOMIC; Selection: RANDOM; Layout: SINGLE; Construction protocol: Standard 454 library construction protocol; Platform: LS454; Instrument model: 454 GS FLX
# of EST/cDNA 495068
# of Unigene 239973; Of them, 233104 singletons and 6869 TCs.
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Release Date Oct 06, 2009
Contact the Michigan State University
Citation Plant Physiol. 2011 Jan;155(1):524-39. Epub 2010 Nov 19.Comparative functional genomic analysis of Solanum glandular trichome types.