Detail of the metabolite profile
Profile Acc. Hops_GC-MS-Polar_2
Analysis Method Polar gas chromatography mass spectroscopy (GC-MS)
Description for analysis method A portion of 1 mL aqueous extract was taken out and dried with speed vacuum for polar metabolite analysis. Dried polar extracts were methoximated in pyridine with 40 uL of 15.0 mg/mL methoxyamine-HCl, vetoxed thoughly and sonicated for 15 min at room temperature, followed by incubation at 50 ??C until the residue was resuspended (around 2 h). Metabolites were then derivatized with 30 uL of MSTFA+1% TMCS for 1 h at 50 ??C. The sample was subsequently transferred to a 200 uL glass insert and analysed by analysed using an Agilent 6890 GC coupled to a 5973 MSD scanning from m/z 50-650. Samples were injected at a 1:15 split ratio, and the inlet and transfer line were held at 280 ??C. Separation was achieved with a temperature programme of 80 ??C for 2 min, then ramped at 5 ??C/min to 315 ??C and held for 12 min, a 60 m DB-5MS column (J&W Scientific, 0.25 mm ID, 0.25 lm film thickness) and a constant flow of 1.0 ml/min.
Species / Cultivar / Tissue Humulus lupulus / / Trichome
Description for biological material Female cones were mashed in liquid nitrogen and glandular trichomes were separated from cones. The trichomes were shifted into a glass vial through a fine metal mesh. The samples were lyophilized prior to analysis.
Replicate No. 2
Reference Don Sik Yang, Lloyd W. Sumner. Metabolic Profiling of trichomes from Potato Leafhopper susceptible and resistant alfalfa lines. (unpublished)
Contact Lloyd Sumner
Plant Biology Division
The Samuel Roberts NOBLE Foundation, Inc.
Ardmore, OKLAHOMA, U.S.A - 73401.
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