Detail of Probeset Mtr.11952.1.S1_at in Chip AffyMedicago
Probeset ID Mtr.11952.1.S1_at
Species Medicago truncatula
Annotation TC111641 /FEA=mRNA /DEF=similar to UP|Q9FLE2 (Q9FLE2) ATP/GTP-binding protein-like, partial (26%)
Mapped public sequence ID TC111641
Gene Ontology GO:0000398 GO:0003674 GO:0005575 GO:0008150 GO:0002119 GO:0005515 GO:0009792 GO:0040007 GO:0040010 GO:0040015 GO:0040035
KEGG K06947 K15921
Transcription Factor
Mapped unigene in the TRICHOME database TCMT45616  
Target sequence cagaacctttttccattccctatctccgccgcctccacaaaccctagtctttcacattct