Detail of Probeset Mtr.27421.1.S1_s_at in Chip AffyMedicago
Probeset ID Mtr.27421.1.S1_s_at
Species Medicago truncatula
Annotation AW980451 /FEA=mRNA /DEF=similar to UP|Q6VY29 (Q6VY29) NADPH HC toxin reductase (Fragment), partial (16%)
Mapped public sequence ID AW980451
Gene Ontology GO:0003824 GO:0005575 GO:0044237 GO:0045335 GO:0051287 GO:0006970 GO:0016491
KEGG K00091 K08695 K09753
Transcription Factor
Mapped unigene in the TRICHOME database AW980451  TCMT49956  
Target sequence cgtggttgcagcttctccactgaaggacgatgggagtggatacaaagacttcattgatga