Detail of Probeset Mtr.36909.1.S1_x_at in Chip AffyMedicago
Probeset ID Mtr.36909.1.S1_x_at
Species Medicago truncatula
Annotation MTUCN52TV /FEA=mRNA /DEF=similar to PDB|1VCR_A|47169444|1VCR_A Chain A, An Icosahedral Assembly Of Light-Harvesting Chlorophyll AB Protein Complex From Pea Thylakoid Membranes. {Pisum sativum;} , partial (16%)
Mapped public sequence ID MTUCN52TV
Gene Ontology
KEGG K08912
Transcription Factor
Mapped unigene in the TRICHOME database N/A
Target sequence cttgggatgtgttttcccggagcttttgtctcgcaatggtgtttttttcggtgaggctgt