Detail of Probeset Mtr.46729.1.S1_at in Chip AffyMedicago
Probeset ID Mtr.46729.1.S1_at
Species Medicago truncatula
Annotation 1736.m00046 /FEA=mRNA /DEF=AC150843.11 98379 101210 mth2-103p8 similar to TIGR_Ath1|At1g09160-GOpep .2 68408.m08779 protein phosphatase 2C (PP2C) -related similar to GB:AAC16260, complete
Mapped public sequence ID 1736.m00046
Gene Ontology GO:0004722 GO:0005634 GO:0006470 GO:0007090 GO:0016311 GO:0045786
KEGG K01090
Transcription Factor FHA
Mapped unigene in the TRICHOME database N/A
Target sequence tggaaggaaaaagtgtgagcaatgcttggttctgcatttggatgacaataggatctcaat