Detail of the metabolite profile
Profile Acc. Hops_UPLC_5
Analysis Method UPLC-qTOF-MS
Description for analysis method Trichomes were first extracted with 1.0 mL 80% MeOH (containing 18µg/mL of umbelliferone as internal standard) in H2O. Agitation for 2 hr and centrifuge for 30 min at 2900g. 0.5 mL of the resulted extract was analyzed with UPLC/MS for secondary metabolites (UPLC/MS). A portion of 5 ?L was injected onto a reverse column (ACQUITY UPLC™ BEH C18 1.7µm, 2.1 mm x 150mm), which was maintained at 60 °C and components were eluted using a linear gradient from 95% to 30% A (eluent A, 0.1% aq. HOAc) over 30 min and at a flow rate 0.56 mL/min. The complimentary eluent B was acetonitrile. TOF-MS spectra were acquired under the following conditions: spectral acquisition rate: 3.13 per second; detector voltage: 2600 (v); threshold: 2037; ESI: -4500 v; desolvation temperature: 300 oC; nebulizer pressure: 350 kPa; interface: 100 oC. Accurate mass was achieved within 20 ppm. The chromatograms obtained from UPLC- qTOF-MS analysis were deconvoluted and aligned within mass and retention time windows prior to normalization using the Waters MarkerLynx 4.1 software (Waters) to generate a matrix of m/z and retention pairs with associated intensities resulting in a metabolite marker list. The data of mass peak intensities were collected using the following parameters: mass tolerance was set at 0.05 Da, noise elimination level at 5.00, minimum peak intensity at 40, retention time window at 0.2.
Species / Cultivar / Tissue Humulus lupulus / / Trichome
Description for biological material Female cones were mashed in liquid nitrogen and glandular trichomes were separated from cones. The trichomes were shifted into a glass vial through a fine metal mesh.
Replicate No. 5
Reference Don Sik Yang, Lloyd W. Sumner. Metabolic Profiling of trichomes from Potato Leafhopper susceptible and resistant alfalfa lines. (unpublished)
Contact Lloyd Sumner
Plant Biology Division
The Samuel Roberts NOBLE Foundation, Inc.
Ardmore, OKLAHOMA, U.S.A - 73401.
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